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WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database – IPR Consultant

WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database, also known as the Pangkalan Data Kekayaan Intelektual, is regulated by Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual Indonesia (DJKI). Patendo is an intellectual property consultant who helps protect your brand, register your brand in Indonesia immediately with our help. Please email us at cs@patendo.com
WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database

Before registering trademarks, you have to explore through WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database. The aim is to find out whether or not others have registered your brand name.

What is WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database? And why is it crucial for your business? Find out the explanation below.

Get to Know About WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database

If you are a businessman or an owner, officially registering your trademark is one of the most crucial things you must do. On the other hand, you need to search through the WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database in the first place.

WIPO is short for the World Intellectual Property Organization. This association is an agent of PBB that specifically administers Intellectual Property Rights for all the PBB nations.

This organization officially started its operation on the 26th of April 1970. Besides encouraging creativity, WIPO promotes the protection of intellectual property worldwide. Today, WIPO consists of 193 nations as its members.

The Importance of Accessing WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database

The national and regional intellectual rights associations have established a series of trademark databases – they have made it online, after all. The public can access the database through their websites.

WIPO has facilitated access to WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database to avoid any legal action related to brand names and trademarks.

Thus, people can use the information they find in WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database before registering their brands or if they want to check registered trademarks.

Reasons to Register Trademark in Indonesia

Owning trademarks grants a company many profitable things. According to Indonesian law and regulations, one of the most beneficial aspects of registering trademarks includes

1. First to File

The regulation follows the “First to File” registration method, according to Indonesia Trademark Law of 2016 Clause 20. It means that the first organization or institution that files for a specific trademark registration would get priority.

2. Unified Trademark Recognition

Indonesia has become a member of the Madrid System since the 2nd of January 2018. This system allows any company to file a trademark in a language and obey a series of fees that are applied to all the members of nations.

Through a centralized trademark registration process, the Madrid System turns the entire archiving process more simplified, lower in cost, and faster.

3. Exclusive Protections

Owning a trademark in Indonesia grants you exclusive brand protections. Thus, no corporations, legal entities, or other organizations will be entitled to copy or violate your intellectual property.

The trademark owners also have the right to take legal action against the third party violating their exclusive trademark rights.

Tips for Successful Trademark Registration in Indonesia

To ensure a smoother registration process, follow several tips below.

1. Provide a Unique Name

To start a business, all businessmen should understand the steps. You can start with branding. It is crucial to pay attention and take branding seriously, including considering what your trademark is.

Trademark, on the other hand, is a product identity or a service that helps you market and promote your business. Thus, you should consider your trademarks before trading or distributing your products.

Before processing your registration, you need to pay attention to the similarities of several aspects, such as phonetics, concepts, and visualization. If the authority considers any similarities, they may reject your application.

You should also consider your logo. Here is a list of things that may cause rejection, especially regarding logo designs.

● Similarities of logo/ institution names/ celebrities.
● Contradicting national ideologies, laws, morals, religions, and ethics.
● The name or symbol is very common.
● It contains information that doesn’t reflect the product’s quality, usefulness, or effectiveness.
● A resemblance of registered geographical indications.
● The logo contains false aspects that can mislead the public about the origin, quality, size, or how to use the product.

2. Make Sure No One has Used the Name

Another thing is that you have to ensure that your trademark has not been used or registered. It also means that your brand has to be unique. Hence, you need to check it on WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database.

3. Consult a Credible Legal IPR Consultant

Consulting with a professional is a must. If you have started the registration process and paid the fee, but the authority rejects your application, you must start over. Even though the process is doable, it wastes your time and money.

On the other hand, if you don’t register your trademark as soon as possible, other parties might take it and register first. Thus, a legal consultant’s presence will help you get through the process much more smoother.

Every brand in Indonesia is registered and supervised by Direktorat Intelektual Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Intellectual Directorate of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights). You can check it on the WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database.


WIPO Indonesia Trademark Database is a free source to access millions of data and trademark collections, both national and international. Trademark data is crucial for brand protection and development. Here are several questions to help you understand more about the database.

How Much Does It Cost?

Feel free to ask Indonesian Trademark Law Firm to find out the fee to file trademark registrations. Please email us at cs@patendo.com

What are the Minimum Requirements?

To get the data, you must provide this information:

● Name, citizenship, and the applicant’s address.

● The trademark logo (in JPG format).

● Specifications of the product or service.

How Long is the Validity Period?

The trademark is valid for 10 years after you get the right. You can always renew the rights as many as you like – there is no limitation. Meanwhile, you must apply to renew the trademark at least six months before the trademark expires.

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Biaya pendaftaran per merek & logo :
1. Pengecekan merek Rp 100.000 (proses 2 hari kerja)
2. Pendaftaran merek Rp 2.700.000 ( 3 hari akan dapat nomor permohonan pendaftaran merek setelah dokumen ditandatangani)
Merek berlaku 10 tahun dan bisa diperpanjang.

Syarat pendaftaran : logo merek diemail ke cs@patendo.com setelah pengecekan merek selesai.

Langkah awal pengecekan merek, silahkan isi data dibawah ini.
1. Nama merek yang ingin didaftarkan :
2. Jenis barang/jasa/usaha berupa apa :
3. Nama pendaftar :
4. Email :

Nanti akan direply dengan nomer rekening untuk transfer Rp 100.000, bukti transfer segera di W A.

Terima kasih.